The Paradigm Challenge (“The Challenge”) is created and sponsored by Project Paradigm (“Sponsor” or “Project Paradigm”), 11301 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 306, Los Angeles, CA 90064. By participating in The Challenge and/or using this website, you agree to the Project Paradigm Terms, which are available at and hereby incorporated by reference, and that your participation will be governed by, and you shall abide by, all of the following rules (the “Challenge Rules”) outlined herein.

  1. Eligibility: The Challenge is open only to individuals who: (a) will be aged 4 to 18 years old on the date that a timely entry is submitted; (b) have their parents’/legal guardians’ permission to participate in The Challenge; and (c) are NOT residents of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, the Crimea Region, or any other United States sanctioned country.

  2. Sponsor, in its discretion, may require persons who register for and/or are members of a team in connection with The Challenge (collectively, “Participant” or “Participants”) to provide verification of eligibility. The following individuals are not eligible to enter or win The Challenge: current or former (within the immediately preceding 12 months) employees, officers, directors, and contractors of Project Paradigm, Blue Laser Design, Okta, and anyone involved in the administration of The Challenge (including judges), and any member of the immediate family (i.e., a child or grandchild) or household of any of the foregoing individuals.

  3. The Challenge is administered in the United States and by submitting an Entry to The Challenge you consent to the transfer of your personal information and, in the event of a minor, said minor’s parent or legal guardian consents to the transfer of his/her child’s personal information, if applicable, to the United States, where the laws about data privacy may be different than the laws in your country. The country in which you reside may have different laws that apply to you, and you are solely responsible for complying with all applicable local laws in the jurisdiction in which you are located. Please read our Privacy Policy, which is available at

  4. Ineligibility: The Challenge is not open to residents of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, the Crimea Region, and any other U.S. sanctioned country and is void where prohibited by law.

  5. Sponsor reserves the right to verify an individual’s eligibility to participate in The Challenge.

  6. Registration Period: The registration period for The Challenge begins at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on May 2, 2022 and ends at 11:59 p.m. PST on May 1, 2023 (the “Registration Period”).

  7. How to Register: To register, visit (the “Site”) during the Registration Period and follow the registration instructions. Individuals who registered for a prior Paradigm Challenge are not required to register again.

  8. Entry Period: The entry period for the Challenge begins at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time PST on May 2, 2022 and ends at 11:59 p.m. PST on May 1, 2023 (the “Entry Period”). Individuals who submitted one or more entries for a prior Paradigm Challenge are required to submit one or more new entries during the Entry Period if they wish to enter the new Paradigm Challenge.

  9. Team Size: There is no minimum or maximum team size. While Sponsor encourages each Participant to join a team and collaborate with other Participants, single person teams are permitted.

  10. Multiple Entries: Participants are permitted to be members of more than one team and teams are permitted to submit more than one entry. Participants who are on multiple teams and/or who are members of teams who submit multiple entries are eligible to win more than one cash prize.

  11. How To Enter: To enter, visit the Site during the Entry Period and follow the instructions on entry form, which is available on the Site. All Entries (as defined below) must be in the English language and must be completed and received in their entireties by Sponsor via the Site by no later than 11:59 p.m. PST on May 1, 2023 to be eligible. Proof of submission is not proof of receipt. Sponsor’s computer will be the official clock for The Challenge. Sponsor reserves the right not to acknowledge or return any Entry. Each Entry must include the following (collectively, an “Entry”):

    1. Team name (even if participating alone);

    2. Team member information, including each member’s first name, last initial, month and year of birth, and email (if any team members are under 13 years old, the email of a parent or guardian for each member under 13 must be provided);

    3. Brief statement of idea (140 characters or less);

    4. Category of idea;

    5. Explanation of idea;

    6. Uploaded files and/or shared video links (optional); and

    7. Responses to questions regarding the team’s participation in The Challenge.

  12. Sponsor is not responsible for, and each team member specifically releases Sponsor and each of its successors and assigns, and each of its trustees, officers, directors, employees, and agents (all of the foregoing, the “Sponsor Parties”), Blue Laser Design, Okta, and members of The Challenge coalition from any and all claims or liability relating to, any loss or damage to the Entry. By entering, regardless of country of residence or entry, each Participant and team member represents and warrants that (a) the Participant and team members have the exclusive, unconditional right, and authority to submit the Entry to Sponsor and to grant the rights set forth herein and (b) the Entry complies with these Challenge Rules in full. Entries must not contain any material that Sponsor, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems inappropriate for public viewing and/or determines is contrary to its mission. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to disqualify and/or not accept any Entry that Sponsor determines does not or is likely not to comply with these guidelines, to make such changes to any Entry as are necessary to make it compliant, or to require the team members to do so.

  13. The parent or legal guardian of a Participant under the legal age of majority in his/her jurisdiction of residence: (a) will ensure that Participant will comply with these Rules; and (b) warrants that Participant is capable of agreeing (through him/herself or through his/her parent or legal guardian) to these Rules and giving the consent contained herein. The Participant’s parent or legal guardian must agree, and does hereby agree, to indemnify the Sponsor, Sponsor Parties, Blue Laser Design, Okta, and members of The Challenge coalition from and against: (a) any claims made by you or your family against the Sponsor, Sponsor Parties, Blue Laser Design, Okta, and members of The Challenge coalition in connection with The Challenge; and (b) any losses (including any liability) caused by any of your conduct which is inconsistent with these Rules.

  14. Entry Guidelines: Each team must comply with all of the following content restrictions:

    1. The Entry MUST NOT contain any team member’s last name, address, social security number, or other federal or state identification number.

    2. The Entry must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity, copyright, trademark, patent, intellectual property-related rights, or property-related rights;

    3. The Entry must not disparage Sponsor or any other person or party affiliated with the promotion or administration of The Challenge;

    4. The Entry must not contain footage, images, or artwork not created by the team members unless the entrants have obtained all rights necessary to include such footage, images, or artwork as part of an Entry to the Challenge;

    5. The Entry must not contain anything that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous as these terms are generally understood in contestants’ home country/countries or as determined in Sponsor’s absolute discretion;

    6. The Entry must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age as these terms are generally understood in contestants’ home country/countries or as determined in Sponsor’s absolute discretion;

    7. The Entry must not contain material that is in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations in any jurisdiction where the Entry is created;

    8. The Entry must not show experimentation with dangerous materials or items in any manner whatsoever; and

    9. Each and every member of the team must meet all eligibility requirements of The Challenge.

  15. Selection, Announcement, And Further Review Of Finalists: Project Paradigm will select no less than the top 100 entries as Paradigm Challenge Finalists (“Finalists”) based on the following criteria (the “Criteria”):

    1. Efficacy: how effective is the idea?

    2. Feasibility: how possible is the idea?

    3. Originality: how innovative is the idea?

    4. Presentation: how clear is the idea?

    5. Collaboration: how well did the team members work together with each other and with other persons? For single member teams, the collaboration criteria will be based solely on collaboration with non-team members.

  16. Please note that this initial review is not a final determination of eligibility or compliance with these Challenge Rules. Some Finalists may be selected and announced prior to the Entry Deadline. Sponsor will announce all Finalists on or before June 1, 2023. Each of the Finalists will be further reviewed (based on the same Criteria) by judges designated by Sponsor for the purpose of determining First, Second, and Third Place winners in each Age Division.

  17. Cash Prizes For First, Second, And Third Place Winners In Each Age Division: Based on the initial and further reviews described above, Project Paradigm will select a First Place, Second Place, and Third Place winner in each of the following three age divisions:

    1. Division 1: Ages 4 to 8

    2. Division 2: Ages 9 to 13

    3. Division 3: Ages 14 to 18

  18. The age of the oldest team member on the date the entry is submitted determines a team’s division. In other words, to be eligible for an age division, at least one member of the team must be within the specified age range on the date the entry is submitted and any and all other team members must be between age 4 and the top of the entered age division on that date. If any team member is older than 18 years old on the date the entry is submitted or is otherwise ineligible, the entire team will be disqualified.

  19. Winning teams with four or more qualifying members will share the following cash prizes:

    1. First Place: $10,000

    2. Second Place: $2,000

    3. Third Place: $1,000

  20. If a First Place, Second Place, or Third Place team has less than four qualifying members, each qualifying member will receive 25% of the team prize amount listed above.

  21. Grand Prize Winner: Project Paradigm will select one of the First Place teams as the Grand Prize winner. A team of four or more qualifying members that wins the Grand Prize will share $100,000 instead of the $10,000 First Place Prize. If the Grand Prize team has less than four qualifying members, each qualifying member will receive $25,000.

  22. Cash Prizes For Remaining Finalists: The Finalists who do not win a First Place prize, Second Place prize, Third Place prize, or the Grand Prize will share a cash prize of up to $200 per team. If a Finalist team has less than four qualifying members, each qualifying member will receive $50.

  23. Finalist T-Shirts: Finalist team members will receive an official Finalist t-shirt. Project Paradigm may, in its discretion, limit the number of Finalist t-shirts per team.

  24. Trip To Los Angeles For The Paradigm Challenge Prize Ceremony: Up to four Participants from each First Place team (and a parent or guardian for each such Participant) will receive a 4-day/3-night trip to Los Angeles to celebrate and attend The Paradigm Challenge Prize Ceremony.

    1. Round Trip Coach Airfare

    2. Hotel Accommodations

    3. Ground Transportation

    4. Limo Service to the Prize Ceremony

    5. Tuxedo Rental or Dress Allowance

    6. Tickets to Disneyland, Universal Studios, or other fun Los Angeles experience to be announced

    7. $500 Spending Cash (if a First Place team has less than four qualifying members who participate in the trip, each such Participant will receive $125 spending cash)

  25. Identical or Similar Entries: Depending on the number and nature of entries received, Sponsor may or may not recognize the existence of any entries that are identical or similar to other entries. To the extent that Sponsor becomes aware during the judging period that two or more entries are identical or substantially identical, Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, elect to do one or more of the following: (a) award a prize to the entry that it determines is better based on a consideration of the five judging criteria; (b) split one or more prizes among two or more team; (c) contact team members and/or third parties to discuss the origin of the idea; and/or (d) take any other steps that Sponsor believes is appropriate in its sole and absolute discretion. To the extent that Sponsor does not become aware during the judging period that two or more entries are identical or substantially identical, the entries will be judged independently.

  26. Project Paradigm Mentorship: Project Paradigm will review each eligible entry that is submitted more than 30 days prior to the Entry Deadline and send an email to the Team Leader with feedback and/or other types of information relating to the entry.    Teams are encouraged (but are not required) to review the feedback and/or other types of information, make changes to their idea and/or the presentation of their idea, and submit a new entry.  If the new entry is submitted more than 30 days prior to the Entry Deadline, Project Paradigm will send an email with additional feedback and/or additional information, and the team may make further changes and submit a new entry by the Entry Deadline.

  27. All Decisions Final: All decisions of Sponsor and Sponsor Parties are final and binding in all respects.

  28. Winner Notification and Verification: During the Entry Period and the months of May, June, and July, 2023, Sponsor will notify the potential winners by using the email address(es) provided on the Entry Form. Sponsor may in its discretion announce the name(s) of one or more potential winners on the Site or in other forms of communication, provided that no potential winner shall be certified as a winner until the potential winner and the winner’s parent or legal guardian has executed and returned all required documents, as described in this paragraph. If a potential winner is unreachable by email during a period of seventy-two consecutive hours, the potential winner and/or his or her team may be disqualified and/or Sponsor may elect not to award the applicable prize, as Sponsor may determine in its discretion. Each potential winner’s parent or legal guardian will be required to complete a Consent Form and then each potential winner (or his or her parent or legal guardian) will be required to complete and return an Information Form, Affidavit of Eligibility, Confidentiality Agreement, and/or Release of Liability, and, if legally permissible, a Publicity Release within seventy-two hours of attempted delivery of same. Noncompliance within this time period or return of any notification as undeliverable may result in disqualification and an alternate winner may be selected. Sponsor reserves the right to conduct a background check on each of the winners. Each Participant consents to the same and shall provide whatever additional information, permission, and/or documentation is required or requested by Sponsor in connection with the same.

  29. Additional Prize Information: The total value of all Challenge cash, t-shirt, and trip prizes (assuming four or more qualifying team members for each winning team) is $208,500. The value of the trip to Los Angeles is approximately $2,500 per person. All income taxes and any other applicable taxes on each Challenge prize are the sole responsibility of the recipient. An IRS form 1099 will be issued, if required by law. Challenge prizes consist only of prizes expressly specified herein. Each winner is subject to and shall abide by the income reporting and, if applicable, the payment of any taxes due, per the laws, rules and regulations of the winner’s/winners’ country of residence. Any costs or expenses associated with the acceptance or use of any prize are the responsibility of the recipient. No substitution or transfer of right to receive any Challenge prize will be allowed, except at the sole discretion of Sponsor. Sponsor also reserves the right at its sole discretion to substitute an alternate prize. If any winner is prevented from accepting any cash prize in his/her jurisdiction of residence, then, at the option of Sponsor, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute an alternate prize in its sole discretion. The prizes are not transferable, assignable or redeemable for cash except in Sponsor’s sole discretion.

  30. Each winning Participant and his/her parents/guardians are solely responsible for obtaining any and all necessary travel documents (valid photo I.D., passport, visa, credit card, etc.). Any costs associated with obtaining the required travel documents are the responsibility of each winning Participant and his or her parents/guardians. Each winner and his/her parent/guardian must travel on the same itinerary. All travel dates are subject to change in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Travel restrictions, conditions and limitations may apply. If a Participant or any team member cannot travel during the travel dates that are selected by the Sponsor, then that Participant or the entire Team shall be deemed to have forfeited the prize. Prizes may be forfeited if: (a) proper travel documents for any and all travel are unattainable for any reason within the time required by the Sponsor; (b) the Participant/team member did not have the unqualified right, at the time of being selected, to re-enter his/her country of origin after leaving the country; or (c) if any immigration or travel documentation complications arise which prohibit a Participant, team member and/or his/her parent/guardian from entering the United States. Each of the Participants and his/her parent/guardian are solely responsible for determining and complying with all applicable international/domestic travel procedures and restrictions. If any Participant or team member is unable to attend The Paradigm Challenge Prize Ceremony, for any reason, no compensation or substitution will be provided in lieu thereof and Sponsor and Sponsor Parties will have no further obligation to such Participant or Team.

  31. If any winner is a minor in his/her jurisdiction of residence, and the law of such jurisdiction of residence prevents any prize from being awarded to such winner, the prize will be awarded in the name of his/her parent or legal guardian (provided the law of such jurisdiction of residence does not otherwise prevent the prize from so being awarded), who will be responsible for fulfilling all the requirements imposed on winners as set forth herein or under applicable law; however, the winner, and not his/her parent or legal guardian, will participate in the activities outlined herein and in the event the minor is not permitted to receive a prize of travel, the parent or guardian shall not travel, the prize shall be forfeited and no substitute prize shall be awarded to the minor or his/her parents or guardians. If a winner is a minor in his/her jurisdiction of residence and he/she is required to travel as part of his/her prize, he/she must be accompanied by his/her parent or legal guardian.

  32. Beyond the Prize Money: Sponsor wants to help the winning ideas have an impact in the world. In addition to the prize money, Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, provide additional support to facilitate the development and/or implementation of one or more winning ideas. Among other things, Sponsor may (a) provide funds for legal advice regarding potential patent, trademark, and or copyright protection, (b) attempt to make or facilitate introductions to manufacturers, interested organizations, and/or other persons or entities, (c) collaborate directly with team members, and/or (d) promote one or more winning ideas on the Site.

  33. Grant of Rights: By registering for the Challenge, regardless of the country of his/her residence, each Participant (or if a minor, such Participant’s parent or legal guardian) grants to Sponsor and its designees the irrevocable, royalty-free right to publish, disseminate, and use the person’s name, likeness, and biographical information without further notice or consideration, in perpetuity, throughout the world, in all media and formats now known or hereafter invented, in connection with the execution and promotion of The Challenge and the promotion of Sponsor and its activities. In addition, by registering, each Participant grants to Sponsor and its designees a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to reproduce, exploit, adapt, use and display worldwide, in perpetuity, throughout the world, in all media and formats now known or hereafter invented, the Entry and all components thereof, including without limitation posting the Entry and/or components thereof on the Site (or such other online environments as Project Paradigm may designate), in connection with the execution and promotion of the Challenge and the promotion of Sponsor and its activities, without further notice or compensation

  34. Disputes: This is Challenge is governed by United States law and is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and these Challenge Rules shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Participants hereby agree that any and all disputes claims, causes of action, or controversies arising out of or in connection with The Challenge or these Challenge Rules shall be resolved in arbitration individually and without resort to collective, class, or aggregate action as set forth in the Terms of Use, which are available on the Site, and such arbitration must be brought and heard in Los Angeles, California. By registering and/or submitting an Entry, each Participant irrevocably waives any right to seek and/or obtain rescission and/or equitable and/or injunctive relief.

  35. Representations & Warranties: Each Participant (or if a minor, such Participant’s parent or legal guardian) represents and warrants that he/she:

    1. Has the right to make an Entry as contemplated hereunder without the need of any consent of any third party;

    2. Will abide by these Challenge Rules and all applicable laws and regulations;

    3. Is under no obligation or disability, created by law or otherwise, which would in any manner or to any extent prevent or restrict registering or making an Entry or becoming a prize winner as outlined herein;

    4. Is not currently nor has been a resident in the past of any of the following countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria, the Crimea Region, or any other United States sanctioned country; and

    5. Is not listed under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act and/or as a Specially Designated National, Debarred Person and/or Denied Person as defined under United States law.

  36. Indemnity: By registering and/or submitting an entry, each Participant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Sponsor and the Sponsor Parties, Blue Laser Design, Okta, Challenge judges, and the members of The Challenge coalition from and against the full amount of all claims, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings, assessments, judgments, decrees, losses, fees, damages, settlement funds, and associated costs and expenses including attorney’s fees arising from or in connection with the registration, participation, and entry in The Challenge, any use of the Entry, and/or the exercise by Sponsor of any rights granted to it herein, including without limitation claims based on rights of privacy, rights of publicity, false light, defamation, copyright, patent and/or trademark infringement relating to the Entry. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event of any claim by a third party affecting or relating to the Entry, Sponsor shall have, in addition to any other rights available to it, at law or in equity, the right to immediately revoke any prize.


  38. Release of Claims: By registering and/or submitting an Entry, each Participant releases the Sponsor, the Sponsor Parties, Blue Laser Design, Okta, Challenge judges, and the members of the coalition for The Paradigm Challenge from and against the full amount of all claims, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings, assessments, judgments, decrees, losses, fees, damages, settlement funds, and associated costs and expenses including attorney’s fees arising from or in connection with participation in The Paradigm Challenge, any use of the Entry and/or the exercise by Sponsor of any rights granted to it herein, including without limitation claims based on rights of privacy, rights of publicity, false light, defamation, copyright, patent and/or trademark infringement relating to the team’s Entry and claims for injury, loss or damage of any kind resulting from the team member’s participation in Paradigm Challenge or acceptance or use of any prize.

  39. No Limitation on Exploitation of Materials: Each Participant acknowledges that the Sponsor engages and has engaged and will in the future engage in the development, preparation, production, acquisition, and dissemination of creative, educational, artistic, and other material (collectively, the “Materials”), including without limitation Materials that are similar or identical to a team member’s Entry. Each Participant also acknowledges that other persons, including employees of Sponsor, may previously have originated and/or submitted to Sponsor or to others, and may hereafter originate and/or submit, Materials that are similar or identical to the Participant’s Entry. Each Participant agrees that it will not be entitled to any compensation because of the use by Sponsor of any such similar or identical material.

  40. Without limitation of the foregoing, Sponsor may use, without any payment or other obligation whatsoever to any Participant, any part of the Materials, and any idea or concept contained therein, that (a) is similar or identical to, or contains significant elements encompassed in, a concept that is under consideration or in development by Sponsor before or at the time of the Participant’s Entry, (b) is not unique, novel, original, and concrete so as to be entitled to protection under applicable laws, (c) has been made public by anyone at the time of its submission to Sponsor or otherwise is in the public domain, (d) would be freely usable by a third person if it had not been accepted as an Entry or the subject of any agreement, (e) is not protected by United States copyright law, or (f) is similar or identical to, or contains significant elements encompassed in, an idea, concept or material that is independently created by Sponsor or any third party. By registering and/or submitting an Entry, each Participant agrees that Sponsor’s development, preparation, production, acquisition, dissemination, and/or exploitation of Materials similar or identical to the Participant’s Entry or containing features, ideas, material and/or elements similar to or identical with those contained in the Participant’s Entry shall not entitle the Participant to any compensation or other right or remedy whatsoever. As an inducement to Sponsor to accept the Participant’s Entry into The Challenge, each Participant hereby waives any claim or right of action against Sponsor Parties or their successors in connection with the Sponsor Parties’ use of any Materials (or any portions thereof) whether or not such Materials are similar or identical to a Participant’s Entry or contain any features, ideas, material, and/or elements that are similar or identical to those contained in a Participant’s Entry. Acceptance by Sponsor of an Entry is not an admission by Sponsor of the novelty or originality of the Entry.

  41. No Limitation on Exploitation of Materials: Each Participant acknowledges that the Sponsor engages and has engaged and will in the future engage in the development, preparation, production, acquisition, and dissemination of creative, educational, artistic, and other material (collectively, the “Materials”), including without limitation Materials that are similar or identical to a team member’s Entry. Each Participant also acknowledges that other persons, including employees of Sponsor, may previously have originated and/or submitted to Sponsor or to others, and may hereafter originate and/or submit, Materials that are similar or identical to the Participant’s Entry. Each Participant agrees that it will not be entitled to any compensation because of the use by Sponsor of any such similar or identical material.

  42. Without limitation of the foregoing, Sponsor may use, without any payment or other obligation whatsoever to any Participant, any part of the Materials, and any idea or concept contained therein, that (a) is similar or identical to, or contains significant elements encompassed in, a concept that is under consideration or in development by Sponsor before or at the time of the Participant’s Entry, (b) is not unique, novel, original, and concrete so as to be entitled to protection under applicable laws, (c) has been made public by anyone at the time of its submission to Sponsor or otherwise is in the public domain, (d) would be freely usable by a third person if it had not been accepted as an Entry or the subject of any agreement, (e) is not protected by United States copyright law, or (f) is similar or identical to, or contains significant elements encompassed in, an idea, concept or material that is independently created by Sponsor or any third party. By registering and/or submitting an Entry, each Participant agrees that Sponsor’s development, preparation, production, acquisition, dissemination, and/or exploitation of Materials similar or identical to the Participant’s Entry or containing features, ideas, material and/or elements similar to or identical with those contained in the Participant’s Entry shall not entitle the Participant to any compensation or other right or remedy whatsoever. As an inducement to Sponsor to accept the Participant’s Entry into The Challenge, each Participant hereby waives any claim or right of action against Sponsor Parties or their successors in connection with the Sponsor Parties’ use of any Materials (or any portions thereof) whether or not such Materials are similar or identical to a Participant’s Entry or contain any features, ideas, material, and/or elements that are similar or identical to those contained in a Participant’s Entry. Acceptance by Sponsor of an Entry is not an admission by Sponsor of the novelty or originality of the Entry.

  43. General Terms: All national, state, municipal and local laws and regulations apply. If any provision of these rules is invalid under the law, rules or regulations of a particular country, it will only apply to the extent permitted. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who violates these Challenge Rules, tampers with the entry process, and/or acts in any way that would, in any way, discredit or harm the reputation of Sponsor, and/or to cancel, modify, or suspend The Challenge if a Participant engages in fraud or misconduct or other conduct beyond the control of Sponsor which corrupts the administration, integrity, security, and/or proper operation of The Challenge. Without limitation of the foregoing, Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, modify, or suspend The Challenge due to any of the following reasons: act of God; unavoidable accident; epidemic; fire; blackout; act of public enemy; war, riot or civil commotion; enactment, rule, order or act of government or governmental instrumentality or tribunal; strike, lockout or other labor dispute; inclement weather; failure of technical facilities; failure of essential production, or technical personnel to appear or be available; or other cause beyond its control. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, incomplete, damaged, mutilated, misdirected, misdelivered, or delayed Entries, or for technical or human errors or failures of any kind in connection with the submission, transmission, processing or judging of Entries, including without limitation any malfunctions or failures of computer hardware, computer software, networks or telephone equipment or any technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or any combination thereof. Caution: Any attempt by a person to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate operation of The Challenge is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent of the law. Sponsor is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer, administration of The Challenge, or in the announcement of the prizes. These Challenge Rules set forth the entire agreement and understanding between Sponsor and Participant concerning the subject matter hereof and merges and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, and understandings of any kind between them. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, at any future time to terminate, modify, or suspend The Challenge for any reason, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. All notices shall be in writing and shall be delivered to Participant in accordance with instructions contained on the Registration Form. Participant shall be deemed an independent contractor and nothing contained herein shall constitute this arrangement to be employment, a joint venture, or a partnership. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any provision of these Challenge Rules shall not constitute a waiver of any provision contained herein. The titles of Sections of these Challenge Rules are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal effect. The word “including” is used in these Challenge Rules to mean “including but not limited to.

  44. Privacy: Personal information collected by Sponsor is subject to the Privacy Policy located at

  45. List of Winners: For the names of the winners, which will be available after August 30, 2023, send a self-addressed and stamped envelope marked “THE PARADIGM CHALLENGE WINNERS LIST REQUEST” to Project Paradigm, 11301 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 306, Los Angeles, CA 90064.



Terms and Conditions for The Paradigm Challenge Ambassador Program:



The Paradigm Challenge Ambassador Program (“Ambassador Program”) is created and sponsored by Project Paradigm (“Sponsor” or “Project Paradigm”), 11301 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 306, Los Angeles, CA 90064. By participating in the Ambassador Program and/or using this website, you agree to the Project Paradigm Terms, which are available at and hereby incorporated by reference, and that your participation will be governed by, and you shall abide by, all of the following rules (the “Ambassador Program Rules”) outlined herein.


The Ambassador Program is open only to individuals who: (a) will be aged 4 to 18 years old on the dates during the Ambassador Program Period that Ambassador activities are performed; (b) have their parents’/legal guardians’ permission to participate in the Ambassador Program; and (c) are NOT residents of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, the Crimea Region, or any other United States sanctioned country.

Sponsor, in its discretion, may require persons who participate in the Ambassador Program (collectively, “Ambassador,” “Ambassadors,” “Participant” or “Participants”) to provide verification of eligibility. The following individuals are not eligible to participate or win prizes in the Ambassador Program: current or former (within the immediately preceding 12 months) employees, officers, directors, and contractors of Project Paradigm, Blue Laser Design, Okta, and anyone involved in the administration of The Paradigm Challenge (“Challenge”) (including judges), the mini and public voting contests on the Site (“Contests”), or the Ambassador Program, and any member of the immediate family (i.e., a child or grandchild) or household of any of the foregoing individuals.

  1. Ambassador Program Period: The Ambassador Program period begins at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on May 2, 2022 and ends at 11:59 p.m. PST on May 1, 2023 (the “Ambassador Program Period”).

  2. How to Sign Up: To sign up, visit  (the “Site”) during the Ambassador Program Period and follow the instructions. Individuals who signed up as Ambassadors for a prior Paradigm Challenge are not required to sign up as Ambassadors again.

  3. How To Participate: To participate, visit the Site during the Ambassador Program Period and sign up as an Ambassador. To collect points, complete one or more of the Ambassador activities outlined on the Site and in the Ambassador material that is emailed after an Ambassador signs up on the Site and then report your progress on the Site to collect Ambassador points. In addition, submit a video or written recap of your Ambassador activities. The recap must be completed and received in its entirety by Sponsor via the Site by no later than 11:59 p.m. PST on May 1, 2023 to be eligible. Proof of submission is not proof of receipt. Sponsor’s computer will be the official clock for The Challenge. All reported progress and the recap must be in the English language.

  4. The available points for spreading the word about The Challenge are as follows:

    1. Public SpeakingSpeak to a classroom: 10 points each
      Speak to an entire grade level: 20 points each
      Speak at a school-wide assembly: 50 points each
      Speak to a civic, community, or church group: 5 points each

    2. Social SharesTweet official Challenge YouTube videos: 3 points each
      Post official Challenge YouTube videos on Facebook: 3 points each
      Join The Paradigm Challenge Facebook page: 3 points
      Post official Challenge images on Instagram: 3 points each

    3. ReferralsRefer eligible youth to register for The Challenge: 2 points each confirmed registration
      Refer eligible youth to become Challenge Ambassadors: 2 points each confirmed Ambassador
      Referral points are awarded based on the number of eligible youth who register for The Challenge or sign up as Ambassadors using a personalized tracking link that is provided to each Ambassador

    4. Media MentionsSchool newspaper or newsletter: 5 points each
      Community newspaper: 10 points each
      Community television or radio station: 10 points each station

    5. Use Your CreativityThink of other creative ways to spread the word about The Challenge and Sponsor may in its discretion award bonus Ambassador points

    6. Tell Us More About Your Ambassador ActivitiesSubmit one or more videos or documents by May 1, 2022 that show or explain your participation as an Ambassador and we may award bonus points to you.

  1. Sponsor reserves the right to audit and in its discretion make adjustments to a Participant’s Ambassador points. The audit may include, among other things, communications with the Ambassador, the Ambassador’s parents or legal guardians, representatives of the Ambassador’s school, and/or other persons to assess reported Ambassador activities. Any Ambassador activities that are performed during the Ambassador Program Period but after an Ambassador turns 19 years old shall not earn any Ambassador points.

  2. Reporting: All Ambassador activities must be completed and reported on the Site by no later than 11:59 p.m. PST on May 1, 2023 to earn Ambassador points. Proof of submission is not proof of receipt. Sponsor’s computer will be the official clock for the Ambassador Program. Sponsor reserves the right not to acknowledge any submission. Each Ambassador must also provide his or her first name, last initial, month and year of birth, and email (if the Ambassador is under 13 years old, the email of a parent or guardian must be provided).

  3. Participation Guidelines: Each Ambassador must also comply with all of the following restrictions:

  4. Sponsor is not responsible for, and each Participant specifically releases Sponsor and each of its successors and assigns, and each of its trustees, officers, directors, employees, and agents (all of the foregoing, the “Sponsor Parties”), Blue Laser Design, Okta, and members of The Challenge coalition from any claims or liability relating to the Ambassador Program. By participating in the Ambassador Program, each Participant represents and warrants that (a) he or she has the exclusive, unconditional right, and authority to participate and to grant the rights set forth herein and (b) he or she complies with these Ambassador Program Rules in full. Participants must not provide or distribute any material that Sponsor, in its sole discretion, deems inappropriate for public viewing and/or determines is contrary to its mission. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any Ambassador who does not or is likely not to comply with these guidelines.

    1. The Ambassador must not provide or distribute material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity, copyright, trademark, patent, intellectual property-related rights, or property-related rights;

    2. The Ambassador must not disparage Sponsor or any other person or party affiliated with the promotion or administration of The Challenge, the Contests, or the Ambassador Program;

    3. The Ambassador must not provide or distribute footage, images, or artwork not created by the Ambassador unless he or she has obtained all rights necessary to provide or distribute such footage, images, or artwork as part of the Ambassador Program;

    4. The Ambassador must not provide or distribute material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous;

    5. The Ambassador must not provide or distribute material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;

    6. The Ambassador must not provide or distribute material that is in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations in any jurisdiction where the Ambassador performs any of the Ambassador activities; and

    7. The Ambassador must not show experimentation with dangerous materials or items in any manner whatsoever.

  5. Prizes For Top Ambassador(s): Sponsor, in its absolute discretion, will select one or more top Ambassador(s) based on the Ambassador points (subject to any adjustments as descirbed above) and the recap of Ambassador activities during the Ambassador Program Period. The selected Ambassador(s) will receive a 4-day/3-night trip to Los Angeles (for the Ambassador and a parent or guardian) to celebrate and attend The Paradigm Challenge Prize Ceremony. The trip will include:

    1. Round Trip Coach Airfare

    2. Hotel Accommodations

    3. Ground Transportation

    4. Limo Service to the Prize Ceremony

    5. Tuxedo Rental or Dress Allowance

    6. Tickets to Disneyland, Universal Studios, or other fun Los Angeles experience to be announced

    7. $500 Spending Cash

  6. Ambassador T-Shirts: Top Ambassador(s) will receive an official Ambassador t-shirt. Sponsor may, in its discretion, award a greater number of Ambassador t-shirts.

  7. All Decisions Final: All decisions of Sponsor and Sponsor Parties are final and binding in all respects.

  8. Winner Notification and Verification: During the months of May, June, and July, 2023, Sponsor will notify the potential winners by using the email address(es) provided on the Entry Form. Sponsor may in its discretion announce the name(s) of one or more potential winners on the Site or in other forms of communication, provided that no potential winner shall be certified as a winner until the potential winner and the winner’s parent or legal guardian has executed and returned all required documents, as described in this paragraph. If a potential winner is unreachable by email during a period of seventy-two consecutive hours, the potential winner and/or his or her team may be disqualified and/or Sponsor may elect not to award the applicable prize, as Sponsor may determine in its discretion. Each potential winner’s parent or legal guardian will be required to complete a consent form and then each potential winner (or his or her parent or legal guardian) will be required to complete and return an Information Form, Affidavit of Eligibility, Confidentiality Agreement, and/or Release of Liability, and, if legally permissible, a Publicity Release within seventy-two hours of attempted delivery of same. Noncompliance within this time period or return of any notification as undeliverable may result in disqualification and an alternate winner may be selected. Sponsor reserves the right to conduct a background check on each of the winners. Each Participant consents to the same and shall provide whatever additional information, permission, and/or documentation is required or requested by Sponsor in connection with the same.

  9. Additional Prize Information: The total value of all Ambassador Program prizes is approximately $10,000 (assuming the two top Ambassadors are selected). The value of the trip to Los Angeles is approximately $2,500 per person. All income taxes and any other applicable taxes on each Ambassador Program prize are the sole responsibility of the recipient. An IRS form 1099 will be issued if required by law. Ambassador Program prizes consist only of prizes expressly specified herein. Any costs or expenses associated with the acceptance or use of any prize are the responsibility of the recipient. No substitution or transfer of right to receive any Ambassador Program prize will be allowed, except at the sole discretion of Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute an alternate prize.

  10. Grant of Rights: By signing up for the Ambassador Program, each Participant grants to Sponsor and its designees the irrevocable, royalty-free right to publish, disseminate, and use the person’s name, likeness, and biographical information without further notice or consideration, in perpetuity, throughout the world, in all media and formats now known or hereafter invented, in connection with the execution and promotion of The Challenge, the Contests, and the Ambassador Program, and the promotion of Sponsor and its activities. In addition, by signing up, each Participant grants to Sponsor and its designees a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to reproduce, exploit, adapt, use and display worldwide, in perpetuity, throughout the world, in all media and formats now known or hereafter invented, the Participant’s Ambassador activities and all components thereof, including without limitation posting the activities and/or components thereof on the Site (or such other online environments as Sponsor may designate), in connection with the execution and promotion of the Challenge, the Contests, and the Ambassador Program, and the promotion of Sponsor and its activities, without further notice or compensation.

  11. Disputes: These Ambassador Program Rules shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of California without regard to conflicts of law provisions. Participants hereby agree that any and all disputes claims, causes of action, or controversies arising out of or in connection with the Ambassador Program or these Ambassador Program Rules shall be resolved in arbitration individually and without resort to collective, class, or aggregate action as set forth in the Terms, which are available on the Site. By signing up for the Ambassador Program, each Participant irrevocably waives any right to seek and/or obtain rescission and/or equitable and/or injunctive relief.

  12. Representations & Warranties: Each Participant represents and warrants that he/she: (a) Has the right to participate as contemplated hereunder without the need of any consent of any third party; (b) Will abide by these Ambassador Program Rules and all applicable laws and regulations; and (c) Is under no obligation or disability, created by law or otherwise, which would in any manner or to any extent prevent or restrict participating in the Ambassador Program or becoming a prize winner as outlined herein.

  13. Indemnity: By signing up for the Ambassador Program, each Participant agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Sponsor and the Sponsor Parties, Blue Laser Design, Okta, Challenge judges, and the members of The Challenge coalition from and against the full amount of all claims, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings, assessments, judgments, decrees, losses, fees, damages, settlement funds, and associated costs and expenses including attorney’s fees arising from or in connection with signing up for and participating in the Ambassador Program, any use of the Ambassador activities, and/or the exercise by Sponsor of any rights granted to it herein, including without limitation claims based on rights of privacy, rights of publicity, false light, defamation, copyright, patent and/or trademark infringement relating to the Ambassador’s participation. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event of any claim by a third party affecting or relating to the Ambassador’s participation, Sponsor shall have, in addition to any other rights available to it, at law or in equity, the right to immediately revoke any prize.


  15. Release of Claims: By signing up for the Ambassador Program, each Participant releases the Sponsor, the Sponsor Parties, Blue Laser Design, Okta, Challenge judges, and the members of the coalition for The Paradigm Challenge from and against the full amount of all claims, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings, assessments, judgments, decrees, losses, fees, damages, settlement funds, and associated costs and expenses including attorney’s fees arising from or in connection with participation in the Ambassador Program, any use of the Ambassador activities, and/or the exercise by Sponsor of any rights granted to it herein, including without limitation claims based on rights of privacy, rights of publicity, false light, defamation, copyright, patent and/or trademark infringement relating to the Ambassador Program and Ambassador activities, and claims for injury, loss or damage of any kind resulting from the participation in the Ambassador Program or the acceptance or use of any prize.

  16. No Limitation on Exploitation of Materials: Each Participant acknowledges that the Sponsor engages and has engaged and will in the future engage in the development, preparation, production, acquisition, and dissemination of creative, educational, artistic, and other material (collectively, the “Materials”), including without limitation Materials that are similar or identical to a Participant’s Ambassador activities. Each Participant also acknowledges that other persons, including employees of Sponsor, may previously have originated and/or submitted to Sponsor or to others, and may hereafter originate and/or submit, Materials that are similar or identical to the Participant’s activities. Each Participant agrees that it will not be entitled to any compensation because of the use by Sponsor of any such similar or identical material. Without limitation of the foregoing, Sponsor may use, without any payment or other obligation whatsoever to any Participant, any part of the Materials, and any idea or concept contained therein, that (a) is similar or identical to, or contains significant elements encompassed in, a concept that is under consideration or in development by Sponsor before or at the time of the Participant’s activities, (b) is not unique, novel, original, and concrete so as to be entitled to protection under applicable laws, (c) has been made public by anyone at the time of its submission to Sponsor or otherwise is in the public domain, (d) would be freely usable by a third person if it had not been accepted as an Ambassador activity or the subject of any agreement, (e) is not protected by United States copyright law, or (f) is similar or identical to, or contains significant elements encompassed in, an idea, concept or material that is independently created by Sponsor or any third party. By signing up for the Ambassador Program, each Participant agrees that Sponsor’s development, preparation, production, acquisition, dissemination, and/or exploitation of Materials similar or identical to the Participant’s activities or containing features, ideas, material and/or elements similar to or identical with those contained in the Participant’s activities shall not entitle the Participant to any compensation or other right or remedy whatsoever. As an inducement to Sponsor to accept the Participant’s involvement in the Ambassador Program, each Participant hereby waives any claim or right of action against Sponsor Parties or their successors in connection with the Sponsor Parties’ use of any Materials (or any portions thereof) whether or not such Materials are similar or identical to a Participant’s activities or contain any features, ideas, material, and/or elements that are similar or identical to those contained in a Participant’s activities. Acceptance by Sponsor of an Ambassador activity is not an admission by Sponsor of the novelty or originality of the activity.

  17. General Terms: All federal, state, and local laws and regulations apply. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who violates these Ambassador Program Rules, tampers with the entry process, and/or acts in any way that would, in any way, discredit or harm the reputation of Sponsor, and/or to cancel, modify, or suspend the Ambassador Program if a Participant engages in fraud or misconduct or other conduct beyond the control of Sponsor which corrupts the administration, integrity, security, or proper operation of the Ambassador Program. Without limitation of the foregoing, Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, modify, or suspend the Ambassador Program due to any of the following reasons: act of God; unavoidable accident; epidemic; fire; blackout; act of public enemy; war, riot or civil commotion; enactment, rule, order or act of government or governmental instrumentality or tribunal; strike, lockout or other labor dispute; inclement weather; failure of technical facilities; failure of essential production, or technical personnel to appear or be available; or other cause beyond its control. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, incomplete, damaged, mutilated, misdirected, misdelivered, or delayed reporting of Ambassador activities, or for technical or human errors or failures of any kind in connection with the submission, transmission, processing or judging of Ambassador activities, including without limitation any malfunctions or failures of computer hardware, computer software, networks or telephone equipment or any technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or any combination thereof. Caution: Any attempt by a person to deliberately damage any Web site or undermine the legitimate operation of the Ambassador Program is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent of the law. Sponsor is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer, administration of the Ambassador Program, or in the announcement of the prizes. These Ambassador Program Rules set forth the entire agreement and understanding between Sponsor and Participant concerning the subject matter hereof and merges and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, and understandings of any kind between them. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, at any future time to terminate, modify, or suspend the Ambassador Program for any reason, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. All notices shall be in writing and shall be delivered to Participant in accordance with instructions contained on the Sign Up Form. Participant shall be deemed an independent contractor and nothing contained herein shall constitute this arrangement to be employment, a joint venture, or a partnership. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any provision of these Ambassador Program Rules shall not constitute a waiver of any provision contained herein. The titles of Sections of these Ambassador Program Rules are for convenience only and shall not be given any legal effect. The word “including” is used in these Ambassador Program Rules to mean “including but not limited to."

  18. Privacy: Personal information collected by Sponsor is subject to the Privacy Policy located at

  19. List of Winners: For the names of the winners, which will be available after August 30, 2023, send a self-addressed and stamped envelope marked “THE PARADIGM CHALLENGE AMBASSADOR PROGRAM WINNERS LIST REQUEST” to Project Paradigm, 11301 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 306, Los Angeles, CA 90064.